Have you seen the latest IT news? It seems that major companies are transforming their services into AI Agents. Apple is evolving Siri, Amazon has Alexa, and Google is focusing on Gemini. Each company appears to be moving towards automation within their own platforms. So far, AI technology has been limited in productivity, primarily generating text, but the emergence of AI Agents could usher in an era where everyone actively utilizes AI.

From a digital marketer’s perspective, I believe this will dramatically change the way we communicate and consume media. Real-time personalized messaging and hyper-targeted ads will be the norm, making traditional advertising methods feel outdated. We may need to unlearn a lot of what we know.

The way people shop through Alexa will change. Instead of searching for products, we’ll come to trust these agents as they seamlessly integrate into our conversations. Siri, for example, could manage schedules or even respond to emails automatically, becoming a personal assistant that may know us better than we know ourselves.

The hyper-personalized data collected by these major companies will eventually tie into advertising and media. Companies that leverage this data will be charged for ads, and the information will be encrypted, taking humans out of the decision-making process entirely. We’re heading into an era of marketing automation, and the signs are clear.

Next year will likely mark the turning point for fully integrating this technology. As marketers, it’s essential to manage current data to be AI-compatible. This means refining customer personas, converting data into formats like markdown, and exploring ways to apply it. Planning for automation in advance is a smart move. By staying ahead of AI developments and designing for the future, you’ll position yourself ahead of the competition.