I’m a big believer in planning before I start any project, and that includes building apps. The way you map out your app can really impact its performance and scale.

So, I’ve been brainstorming AI Agent businesses lately, and I thought it would be helpful for me, and maybe others, to create an AI app that can help with the planning process.

Basically, you just describe the AI Agent you want to build. The more specific you are, the better the results will be. Then, after a little wait, you’ll get a complete blueprint of the app. You’ll see the structure, how everything fits together, and even how the backend should be set up.

You’ll also see the IDEA Matrix and Report buttons. Click on them and they’ll show you a detailed report. IDEA is a term I made up, but I think it’s really helpful when analyzing AI Agents. It stands for Innovation, Demand, Execution, and Assessment of Risks. It’ll tell you what direction your app should go in, whether it’s feasible with current technology, and even do some market analysis and identify limitations.

The Report section gives you a comprehensive evaluation of the app, suggests multiple names for your AI Agent, and explains the necessary technologies.

Give it a try! I’ll be working on other projects soon, so keep an eye out for those.
