One day, right before bed, I realized I had a habit of always looking at my phone. I tried leaving it outside my room a few times, but my mind would come up with all sorts of justifications to get it back. “I should check this,” or “Maybe someone texted me.” I thought, if I can’t break this habit completely, I’ll switch to an e-reader instead. I put a bedside lamp and the e-reader next to my bed and left my phone on the floor across the room.

I tried this for around two months, and it worked wonders. Without the phone’s stimulation, my sleep quality improved dramatically. I started falling asleep at almost the same time every night. And I wasn’t bored! When I wasn’t sleepy, I’d just read a book on my e-reader. Usually, after about 30 minutes, I’d start yawning and know it was time to sleep. And then, I’d wake up the next day feeling refreshed.

It’s a simple change, but it really helps: a little bit of willpower, a warm light, and an e-reader… You know, at this point, I’m not sure if they should be marketing e-books as a replacement for phones or books anymore. Maybe they should market them as a replacement for sleeping pills! maybe in the health section… haha.